Tuesday, May 22, 2012

0 'Bachelorette 2012' Chris Harrison's Blog Episode 2

"I think the Muppets group date was one of the greatest dates we’ve ever done." 

In his new blog post for Entertainment Weekly, Bachelorette host writes about episode 2 of The Bachelorette. Here's what he writes about Kalon:

"After an amazing day, though, tensions were high as Kalon again ruffled some feathers. I think we’re seeing a trend here. Is Kalon right to be so singularly minded or should he let the other guys have their fair shots as well? I’ll let you be the judge of that. I think reality really started to set in that night when Jef got the rose. The guys started to see that they really needed to take advantage of that time. You’ll see a lot of guys really step up their game in the coming weeks. On a side note, whoever sent me the tweet that there’s something a little “of” about “Jef,” you got a good laugh."
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