Friday, December 30, 2011

0 Interview with Bachelor Spoiler King, Reality Steve

No doubt, you've heard of Bachelor Spoiler king, Reality Steve (aka Steve Carbone). Recently, Reality Steve was hit with a lawsuit from ABC but continues posting his Bachelor spoilers on his website. Check out this NEW interview with Reality Steve and Blast Magazine. You can read the full interview here

"How does he get his Bachelor spoilers? His lips, of course, are sealed, but we do know that he’s being fed the information as filming takes place from sources on the inside other than the contestants, who are forced to sign confidentiality agreements. Just recently, per his website, the production and distribution companies behind the Bachelor have filed a lawsuit against Carbone “making some false allegations about claimed damage to the show.”
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Thursday, December 29, 2011

0 The Bachelor: Meet Erika and Shira!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

0 VIDEO: Happy Holidays from Ali Fedotowsky!

Holiday video message from Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

0 Vienna Girardi Storms Off of TV Show, Relationship Rehab!

According to, The Bachelor's, Vienna Girardi, is causing a stir yet again. Girardi, who had a very public break-up with Jake Pavelka and later broke up with Bachelor Pad's, Kasey Kahl, is making headlines on her new TV show, Relationship Rehab. The premise of the TV show is "Participants will undergo a makeover adventure as they get a new look and new confidence to re-energize their spirits and move on with their lives." 

According to the website, "Vienna went on to star in another "love" reality show — Relationship Rehab. Her purpose on the show was to patch things up with Kasey, but oooohhhh noooo. Guess what the producers did! They got her ex-boyfriend, Lee Smith, the same one who she supposedly text throughout her relationship with Jake! According to inside sources (aka peeps with big mouths), as soon as Lee appeared on set, Vienna lost her sh*t! She started screaming and stormed off the set, yelling hate at the producers." 

Friday, December 23, 2011

0 Ashley Hebert's Dream Wedding!

The Bachelorette's, Ashley Hebert, opens up to In Touch Magazine this week. The former Bachelorette tells the magazine "My dream (wedding) is to be outside in a big open field, very down-to-earth" and she goes on to say that she wants to honeymoon in a tropical location. For the full article, check out the new copy of In Touch, available now.

Monday, December 19, 2011

0 The Bachelor: Interview with Ben Flajnik!

Ben Flajnik finally speaks! In this new ABC media interview with Ben Flajnik, the Bachelor talks about the new season and (maybe) finding love on TV. 
Did you find love?
Ben Flajnik: I can't tell you that.  But I'm happy with my decision in doing the show.

Can you talk about maybe your favorite date of the season?
Ben Flajnik: I can't reveal too much.  (All the dates) are over the top and outlandish.  But I found the dates to be the most normal to be my favorite.  You know, the almost - closest to everyday kind of life.

Were you really in love with Ashley Hebert (during The Bachelorette)? 
Ben Flajnik: No. I had genuine feelings for Ashley. I worked through a lot of stuff on my own.  I think that my self-discovery was something I didn't expect.  And Ashley was there for support and to help me get kind of through all that.

Could you describe what you were feeling that first night when the limo pulled up?
Ben Flajnik: Normally,  I'm very cool, calm, and collected.  When that first limo pulled up,, I felt sheer panic and terror kind of set in...It's nerve wracking on both sides.

What qualities are you looking for in a woman? 
Ben Flajnik: It's important for me to be with someone who's well rounded, cultured, and inflexible,  and not someone that is so used to routine.
Did you date actress Jennifer Love Hewitt (after Ashley dumped you)? 
Ben Flajnik: Yes, I mean, Jennifer Love Hewitt had reached out.  And wanted to come up to the winery with some of her friends, which she did.  So my business partners and I showed her around the winery.  And she tasted some wines.  And we went out to dinner and just kind of chatted. 
Are happy with the outcome? 
Ben Flajnik: I can't tell you that.  I'm happy with the experience.  I'm happy that I decided to become The Bachelor again.

0 'The Bachelor': Meet 5 'ladies' to watch

According to, here are the five ladies to watch this season on The Bachelor!

Meet Ben Flajnik's 25 Bachelorettes! 

Amber: 28-year-old nurse from Nebraska
Courtney: 28 Model from Santa Monica
Jenna: 27-year-old from New York 
Kacie: 24 from TN
Lindzi: 26 years old 

Check out the video preview at! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

0 Ryan Seacrest Radio Interview with The Bachelor!

Ben Flajnik talks to Ryan Seacrest! "Ben Flajnik of ‘The Bachelor’ Talks Dating Jennifer Love Hewitt and Skinny Dipping With Contestants!" Check out the radio interview here!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

0 VIDEO: Sneak Peek from The Bachelor!

The Bachelor Season 16 Preview!

0 Chris Harrison talks about this Season of The Bachelor!

chris harrison who do you think you are In the NEW interview with The Bachelor's Chris Harrison, he talks about what's happening on The Bachelor Season 16. Now, tell me a little bit about 'The Bachelor' this season. I'm hoping that Sheryl is just one of the contestants' grandma who wants to meet Ben.
Chris Harrison: Yeah, it's much more along those lines than it is her being on the show. Here's the thing: Of all of the stunts and twists-and-turns, we'll never forsake a spot on the show. We really want Ben to have as many choices and as much of a possibility to find love as he can, so to ruin that or to make light of that by bringing in someone he would never have a relationship with, you can't do that. It's funny, but it's also a sweet, kind of romantic story.

What's going to be in store for Ben this season?
It's an emotional, wild ride. He's a catch. The women knew he was 'The Bachelor' ahead of time, so the show was cast for Ben. These women get out of the limo, and it's on. You'll see tears and drama on the first night. It's going to be a little crazy for him, but for me, it was fun to see him evolve this season. Ben and I got to be really good friends, and we spent a lot of time together, and we include that relationship in the show. This season is a lot less formal. I would just walk in, be casual and just talk. That was our deliberation. The show has become a lot more organic these past few years, and I hope our viewers have noticed that. In the end, I really do want Ben to be happy and find love because I really do believe he deserves it. You can read the full interview at!

Monday, December 12, 2011

0 Jesse Csincsak Responds to the Reality Steve's Lawsuit!

Have you been wondering who feeds all the spoilers to Bachelor blogger Reality Steve (aka Steve Carbone)? Last week, Bachelor spoiler king, Reality Steve, was sued by ABC, alleging that RS paid past contestants for his information.

The Bachelor's, Jesse Csincsak, responded to the ABC lawsuit by saying that the "Mike Fleiss Production Company Next Entertainment came to me just over a year ago and offered me 30k to find out who Reality Steves Leak was ? I told them I would look into it and when push came to shove all I could find out is that it was someone in editing but could never find a name of a person."

Csincsak posted his official statement regarding Reality Steve's lawsuit on his blog...
"Yesterday I was approached by many media outlets reguarding this story on Reality Steve and the Lawsuit and so I did them. The funny thing is mike fliess had his people called a few people who published these stories asking them to take them down? A few even did remove them ???

I find this pretty funny because every season Mike Fleiss Makes Millions of dollars by destroying  peoples lives without blinking an eye on his hit shows the Bachelor / Bachelorette & Bachelor Pad  but when he gets someone saying something negative about him he Loses it ??? Really Mike you can't handle what you dish out ?? I guess money makes people soft. 

Mike Fleiss Production Company Next Entertainment came to me just over a year ago and offered me 30k to find out who Reality Steves Leak was? I told them I would look into it and when push came to shove all I could find out is that it was someone in editing but could never find a name of a person...
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0 Bachelor Pad Winner Launches Jewelry Line!

Bachelor Pad Season One winner, Natalie Getz, has been a busy gal. Getz is a fashion stylist, TV personality and runs the websites and You can also watch her in a new series coming this spring 2012 (along with fellow Bachelor alum Wes Hayden and Jesse Kovas)!

Currently, Getz has launched a fabulous line of modern jewelry. "The ‘Bachelor Pad’ winner has joined forces with online destination jewelry house Ice to launch one of the many exciting new brand features “Ice Stylist, Designers & Collections Corner” which showcases the highly fashionable and sought-after celebrity guest stylists’ personal jewelry picks and must-haves." Check out the Natalie Getz jewelry line at!

Friday, December 9, 2011

0 New Preview of The Bachelor Season 16!

Check out this NEW preview from season 16 of The Bachelor with Ben Flajnik!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

0 The Bachelor Season 16: Who is the Grandmother?

If you've seen the preview for The Bachelor Episode 1, you might have noticed the grey-haired lady stepping out of the limo. That would be Sheryl! (The rumor is that Sheryl is actually there to introduce Ben to her granddaughter). Let's hope so!

The Bachelor: Who is Grandma Sheryl? 

Age: Age is just a number

Occupation: Grabbing life when and wherever I can

Do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer being more mysterious and why?
Definitely the center of attention

What is your biggest date fear?

What does your ideal mate look like?
Tall, Dark, and Handsome like Ben

Tattoo Count:
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Shira!


The Bachelor: Who is Shira?

Age: ??

Occupation: Actress

Hometown: Massapequa Park, NY

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
I have a Siamese cat named Baby Sebastian Ted Striker. I saved him from the shelter (he was about to be euthanized because he had no mother to nurse him at 3 weeks old so I bottle fed him and brought him back from near death. He's 13 months now.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
I'd have to go with President Obama. I would hold an emergency press conference and say everything I've ever wanted to say to the world.

Do you like to dress up or do you prefer casual attire as a rule?
I love getting dressed up! But I also love my sweats. So both!

Tattoo Count:
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Shawn Reynolds!


The Bachelor: Who is Shawn Reynolds?

Age: 28

Occupation: Financial Advisor

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
I would be someone in a third world country so I could live, feel, hear and know for my own experience just how blessed I am.

If you wanted to really impress a man/woman what would you do and why?
Be very polite and respectful and choose something that showed them I was attentive to who they were and what they like

Do you consider yourself romantic and why?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Samantha!


The Bachelor: Who is Samantha?

Age: 26

Occupation: Advertising Account Manager

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

What is your most embarrassing moment?
Spilled a drink all over my crotch at a house party wearing light denim jeans. Definitely had to live down the jokes for a while.

Do you like to dress up or do you prefer casual attire as a rule?
I love dressing up! Who doesn't enjoy feeling pretty?

Do you consider yourself romantic and why?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Nikki!


The Bachelor: Who is Nicki?

Age: 26

Occupation: Dental Hygienist

Hometown: Hurst, TX

What are your 3 best attributes?
1. Ability to make people feel comfortable
2. Sincerity
3. I'm fun!

What is your ideal mate's personality like?
Funny (love sarcasm!), outgoing, well-mannered, hard-working, family man, honest and sincere

What is your best date memory?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Rachel!


The Bachelor: Who is Rachel?

Age: 27

Occupation: Fashion Sales Rep

Hometown: Southhampton, MA

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
I think I would want to be a guy for the day just to see what it's like....I think I would hate it but it would be good insight. Either that or a huge celebrity and see what it's like to be followed and photographed everywhere you go.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Monica!


The Bachelor: Who is Monica?

Age: 33

Occupation: Dental Consultant

Hometown: Yuba City, CA

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring with you and why?
Lip gloss - can't go without it
Endless Supply of Pina Coladas
The love of my life
What is your favorite hoiday and why?
St Patty's Day - must be the Irish in me. Or the great beer, food, and fun gatherings.

What U.S. city is the most romantic to you and why?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Lyndsie J!


The Bachelor: Who is Lyndsie J?

Age: 29

Occupation: Internet Entrepreneur

Hometown: London, England

What are your 3 best attributes?
Outgoing, Funny, REAL

Do you like being the center of attention?
Center of attention! I'm the most outgoing, open-minded person you will ever meet. I love to have fun and live life to the fullest! I love to entertain & make people smile, laugh and have a good time. So being the center of attention allows me to do this.

What is the best trip you have been on & why?Read more about The Bachelor... »

0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Lindzi Cox!


The Bachelor, Who is Lindzi Cox?

Age: 27

Occupation: Business Development Manager

Hometown: Ocala, FL

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Sombrero - I'm allergic to the sun so it would be good for shade
Pool Float Toys - I love to float in the ocean
My iPhone for its camera app - I love photography

Would you consider yourself adventurous or conservative?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Kacie!


The Bachelor: Who is Kacie?

Age: 24

Occupation: Administrative Assistant

Hometown: Clarksville, TN

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
It's so hard to choose just one. I've read so many. To date, I'll say "Time Traveler's Wife," it kept me on my toes, a real page turner.

If you wanted to really impress a man what would you do and why?
I would make a dinner and give them something sentimental - like a basket full of things that are "us." I feel like thought shows how much you care.

What is your ideal mates personality like?
Outgoing, fun-loving, athletic, driven, goal oriented, sensitive but strong, not afraid to try new things, Christian, family oriented, love children
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Jennifer!


The Bachelor: Who is Jennifer?

Age: 28

Occupation: Accountant

Hometown: Cache, OK

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
My know what they had to live through and experienced might change my views of things today and reiterate how thankful I should be.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
The Notebook - I don't read love stories because they often seem unrealistic - this one though does it for me.

If you wanted to impress a man what would you do and why?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Jenna!


The Bachelor: Who is Jenna?

Age: 27

Occupation: Blogger

Hometown: Loveland, OH

Do you like being the center of the attention or do you prefer being more mysterious and why?
This is tough - I love keeping people guessing, yet I madly love to make people laugh.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Jaclyn!


The Bachelor: Who is Jaclyn?

Age: 27

Occupation: Advertising Account Manager

Hometown: Newton, MA

If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be and why?
Gisele Bundchen - She's rich, super hot and married to my man Tom Brady.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
The Pact by Jodi Picoult - I love how the outcome leaves you thinking after you have finished the book.

Describe your idea of the ultimate date.
Being whisked away to an undisclosed spot! The element of surprise sets an amazing tone for the rest of the date.

Tattoo Count:

What's your best date memory?
Post dinner stroll in the city holding hands and being carefree.

0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Jamie!


The Bachelor: Who is Jamie?

Age: 25

Occupation: Registered Nurse

Hometown: Dryden, NY

What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
Shocking my 6th grade teacher when I could state all 4 chambers of the heart. I stated the direction the blood flowed and which valves it flowed through.

Who is your favorite author?
Danielle Steele or Nora Roberts
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Holly!


The Bachelor: Who is Holly?

Age: 34

Occupation: Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

Hometown: Salyersville, KY

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My cousin Melanie - she lost her precious baby boy Andrew to cancer at age two. He was our little angel and I am amazed at how strong she is. She has been a wonderful mother to her now 13 year old daughter. She is the strongest person I know.

What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
Waking up on Christmas mornings - my parents were so awesome with the whole "Santa has just been here" they still say it! HA

Do you consider yourself a romantic and why?
Hopeless Romantic - I believe in fate and fairytale endings.

Tattoo Count:

What's your worst date memory?
A blind date with an absolute geek that had on 80's clothes in 1997 - couldn't wait for it to end.

0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Erika!


The Bachelor: Who is Erika?

Age: 23

Occupation: Law Student

Hometown: Charlottesville, VA

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
Troy Polamalu because I want to know what it's like to be a gentle giant off the field and unstoppable on it.

What is your ideal mates personality like?
Down to earth with a similar sense of humor, most and foremost. Then well-rounded and caring.

What's your biggest date fear?
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Emily O'Brien!


The Bachelor: Who is Emily O'Brien?

Age: 27

Occupation: PhD Student

Hometown: Chapel Hill, NC

What is your most embarrassing moment?
I was matched to my brother on an online dating website. Mortifying.

What is your favorite all-time book and why?
"East of Eden." It's such a perfect story of good and evil and an amazing examination of human psychology.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Elyse Myers!


The Bachelor: Who is Elyse Myers?

Age: 24

Occupation: Personal Trainer

Hometown: Chicago, IL

What are your 3 best attributes?
Light hearted - I love to have fun, people have fun around me.
Motivational - I am very inspiring and positive.
Funny - I love making people happy.

Who do you admire the most and why?
Mom - she raised 6 children, worked hard all her life for us to have a good life. Always lived a healthy lifestyle running and eating right. She made me who I am today.

What is your ideal mates personality like?
Trustworthy, kind, funny, spontaneous, romantic, isn't overly jealous and confident
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Dianna!


The Bachelor: Who is Dianna?

Age: 30

Occupation: Nonprofit Director

Hometown: San Gabriel, CA

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
Oprah, she rocks and changes many lives while helping out so many people.

Do you have a family vacation spot that you visit annually or often?
Camping in Santa Barbara with family.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Courtney!


The Bachelor: Who is Courtney?

Age: 28

Occupation: Model

Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ

What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
Christmas mornings. One year I got the puppy I wanted and my sister got a kitten. My parents made the holidays very special for us. I probably believed in Santa for way too long.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Casey S!


The Bachelor: Who is Casey S? 

Age: 26

Occupation: Trading Clerk

Hometown: Leawood, KS

Who do you admire the most and why?
Both of my parents because they raised me by example. And they showed me how to have good values, not by telling me, but by living with those values everyday.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Brittney!


The Bachelor: Who is Brittney? 

Age: 26

Occupation: Medical Sales Rep

Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring with you and why?
My boyfriend (if I had one) to keep me company, sunscreen so I wouldn't get burnt and a flare gun to help get off the island.

What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
Laying in bed with my Grandma as she told me stories of how her and my Grandfather met.

What is the most romantic present you have ever received and why?
A signed stuffed animal by John Elway, who was my favorite athlete at the time.

Tattoo Count:

What's your worst date memory?
Finding out he was married.

0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Blakely!


Who is the Bachelor's Blakely? 

Age: 34

Occupation: VIP Cocktail Waitress

Hometown: Rutherfordton, NC

Do you have any pets and if so, what kind?
Yes!!Halo, she is a teacup long haired Chihuahua and my everything.

Who is your favorite actor and why?
Edward Norton - his ability to completely take on his character. He's amazing!
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Anna Snowball!


Who is Anna Snowball? (Yes, that's her real last name!)

Age: 25

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Ontario, Canada

What are your 3 best attributes?
My smile, my positive attitude and my ability to make friends with anyone that I meet.

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done?
I jumped out of a plane at 15,000 feet and I loved every second of it. I went skydiving.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Amber T!


Amber T.

Age: 28

Occupation: Critical Care Nurse

Hometown: Waverly, NE

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring with you and why?
Flint, a knife and beer

What is your greatest achievement to date?
I am very fortunate in that I have a career in nursing that I love.
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0 The Bachelor Season 16: Meet Amber!


Amber B.

Age: 23

Occupation: Labor and Delivery Nurse

Hometown: Port Coquitlam, Canada

What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Going to the woods around Halloween and finding the "witches den" and actually finding the broomstick and hat of witches!! (Not knowing my mom would go into the woods alone and hid those things for us to find in advance) Very Exciting!
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0 Video: New 'Bachelor' Trailer!

The Bachelor Ben Flajnik

0 Bachelor 16: Meet Ben Flajnik's 25 Women!

The Bachelor's Anna

Meet the ladies that will be competing for Ben's Flajnik's heart on this season of THE BACHELOR!

The 25 women are:
Amber Bacon., 23, labor and delivery nurse, Port Coquitlam, Canada
Amber T., 29, critical care nurse, Waverly, NE
Anna Snowball, 25, student, Detroit, MI
Blakeley Shea, 34, VIP cocktail waitress, Charlotte, NC
Brittney, 26, medical sales rep, Denver, CO
Casey Shteamer, 26, trading clerk, Leawood, KS
Courtney Robertson, 28, model, Santa Monica, CA
Dianna, 30, non-profit director, San Gabriel, CA
Elyse Myers, 24, personal trainer, Chicago, IL
Emily O’Brien, 27, PhD student, Chapel Hill, NC
Erika Uhlig, 23, law student, Chicago, IL
Holly, 34, pharmaceutical sales rep, Salyersville, KY
Jaclyn Swartz, 27, advertising account manager, Newton, MA
Jamie Otis, 25, registered nurse, Dryden, NY
Jenna, 27, blogger, New York City, NY
Jennifer, 28, accountant, Oklahoma City, OK
Kacie Boguskie, 24, administrative assistant, Clarksville, TN
Lindzi Cox, 27, business development manager, Seattle, WA
Lyndsie J., 29, internet entrepreneur, Scottsdale, AZ
Monica Spannbauer, 33, dental consultant, Salt Lake City, UT
Nicki Sterling, 26, dental hygienist, Hurst, TX
Rachel Truehart, 27, fashion sales rep., New York City, NY
Samantha Levey, 26, advertising account manager, Los Angeles, CA
Shawn Reynolds, 28, financial advisor, Phoenix, AZ
Shira, actress, Los Angeles, CA

0 'Bachelor' Producers Sue Reality Steve

Bachelor Pad
Uh oh. The king of Bachelor spoilers might be in trouble. The producers of ABC's The Bachelor is suing blogger, Reality Steve, for allegedly obtaining confidential information about the show.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Steve Carbone (Reality Steve) is accused of obtaining confidential information about the Bachelor series by contacting and soliciting information from participants, cast, crew, and other employees of the series. These individuals sign contracts that promise not to divulge non-public information about the show. Show employees leak spoilers at the risk of paying high penalties, often in the millions of dollars. Nevertheless, Carbone allegedly contacted them with knowledge they were subject to confidentiality obligations.... Carbone is alleged to have offered this Bachelor participant a monetary incentive to induce her to breach her contract. He allegedly wrote, "Since you are a student, and I know you have loans up the ying-yang, I'd be willing to compensate you...I swear, this is the easiest money you'd ever make and you and I are the only two people that would know." 

Reality Steve responded on this website saying "I have not been served a lawsuit, nor have I even seen this lawsuit, so I have no specific comment at this time. However, see the below communications from my lawyer, Brad Kizzia of Brown Fox Kizzia & Johnson, to opposing counsel, which state my legal position." You can check out the full story at Hollywood Reporter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

0 VIDEO: Ben Flajnik filming The Bachelor!

"The Bachelor" films on the Sonoma Plaza Sept. 23, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

0 The Bachelor Episode 1 Sneak Peek!

The Bachelor Season Premiere MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 2012 ON ABC!

Here's a sneak peek from The Bachelor Season 16, Episode 1 with Ben Flajnik. 

Ben Flajnik meets his 25 Women: Ben meets an attractive young law student who informs the Bachelor that he's been found guilty - of being sexy! A germ-conscious epidemiologist sanitizes both herself and Ben, and then promptly steals the season's first kiss. But nothing can prepare Ben for the moment the limo door opens and a senior citizen steps out! Who is this grandmother who wants to date Ben? It turns out that the granny actually wants to introduce Ben to her granddaughter. Ben is relieved.

Meet some of the Women on this season of The Bachelor! 

The Cocktail Party: Once inside the mansion, the competition for Ben's attention heats up. An easy-going woman and a sweet divorcee both make an early play for the Bachelor, while the sexy equestrian proves she is equally as charming without the horse. But Ben's older admirer advises him that he needs a family-oriented woman. The pressure mounts when Chris brings out the "first impression" rose, as one woman after another attempts to win Ben's heart and the rose. One athletic woman corners Ben for a quick soccer game; a sassy personal trainer demands he do pushups; a gorgeous model seduces him and a charming scholar demonstrates her "gangsta" side by performing a rap she wrote just for him. But drama erupts when the pressure proves to be too much for one sensitive young woman.

Ben sends 7 women home...
Read more about The Bachelor... »

0 Come to The Bachelor Premiere Party in LA!

Want to attend a premiere party for The Bachelor? Hosted by Bachelor favorite, Jesse Csincsak, Jesse Kovaks, and David Good, you can attend a hot party at the Hollywood Parlor, located at 7250 Melrose Place in Los Angeles!

When: Monday, January 2nd. The Bachelor premiere night! 
Red carpet event from 6:00-7:00 pm. Show begins at 8pm.

Who:  Hosted by Jesse Csincsak, Jesse Kovaks, and David Good. There will also be a celebrity auction, win a date with Ryan Parks or Kasey Kahl!

Where: Hollywood Parlor, 7250 Melrose Place 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

0 Chris Harrison Defends Ali Fedotowsky & Roberto Martinez

In this NEW video with Chris Harrison and Access Hollywood, Harrison talks about the recent split of Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez.
“Bachelorette” couple Ali Fedotowsky and Roberto Martinez recently announced that they were calling off their engagement, so does host Chris Harrison believe that they were ever in love? Plus, is the finale to next season’s “Bachelor” exposed by the fact that contestant Ben Flajnik and jeweler Neil Lane were spotted on a plane together?
back to top //PART 2